Trip to Russia, Mongolia and China

Leaving Moscow...

Thursday 16th July

The first night in the train was a new experience. The old train -nothing was changed since 1999- rolling with a lot of noise with the result that we were several times waking up. No problem, because thee was in the morning nobody waiting for us.
Our first class wagon was almost empty, from the ten compartments were there three occupied. One through a Mongolian women, the second through a Dutch family from four people and we.
So, in fact very comfortable. Not so many people for the toilet etc.

The first stop was in The night in Vladimir.At12h18was there a stop in Kirov for 15 minutes. The next was Hoptopov for 12 minutes andat19h48arrived we in Perm. There we had the change to visit the station, the stop was exact 29 minutes.

The landscape is this first day about the same, many many trees and small poor villages with old wooden houses and with one nice road, the rest is mud.
The last stop was Perm, never heart about that city, but it's a modern big city, beautiful situated agains the firts hills of the Oeral.
Tonight are we passing the Oeral, pity, it's already dark outside, we see nothing. The coming night are we arriving in Ekaterinburg, just on the east of the Oeral. (Mosow time01h30)

Also we had our first lunch. Our apéro was a glass of Cola with some peanuts. Soup as entree and nudles as main dish. Not luxury but very nice. (We don't know or we like it still in 5 days... ha, ha) But.... Our digestive
We repeat this menu againat 20h40.
In fact was it already22h40, because we drove through two time zones today. But, the train is rolling on Moscow time? So, we have still two zones to go, before we are in Irkoetsk.
We keep our life in the real time, two hours later. For now: Good night!

* Mt = Moscow time
**Rt = Real time


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